Tuesday, November 25, 2014

el 25 de noviembre

Day ONE of presentations went well.  Be ready for your day.  If you presented today, you have your take-home assessment to complete with the student created questions from your presentation.

Monday, November 24, 2014

el 24 de noviembre

BE READY for your Famous Person Presentation.  It all starts tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2014

el 21 de noviembre

Your presentations begin on 11/25.  BE READY on your day with your visual and your note cards (if you're using some).  You are handing in your visual on the day of your presentation.  

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

el 19 de noviembre

Today was your LAST class day in the library.  You have a pink worksheet that will be checked on Friday, November 21st in class during our last class period before the projects are due and the presentations start on Tuesday, November 25th.  Remember if you want to turn in your project early you can do so on Friday as well - you'll earn 10 bonus points.  Otherwise all projects are due on the day of your presentation.  Please refer to the blog post from el 10 de noviembre if you forgot what day you're presenting.

Friday's class period will be spent working on final projects, creating question sheets for presentations, writing note cards and practicing for your presentations.

Monday, November 17, 2014

el 17 de noviembre

Day #3 in the library went well.  Remember you will get a grade on your research quality and quantity each day we're in the library.  You need to keep working OUTSIDE of class on your project as well.  We have ONE more day in the library.  Check MMS - it has been updated.  

Today in class you received a pink paper to fill in the answers to all of your questions from your graphic organizer.  This worksheet is due in class on FRIDAY - November 21st.  

FYI - Ms. Parker and Mrs. Doherty will be after school in the library tomorrow, Tuesday, November 18th for additional research time if you want/can stay.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

el 13 de noviembre

Day #2 in the library went well.  You need to keep working OUTSIDE of class on your project as well.  We have two more days in the library.  

I am after school tomorrow; November 14th for additional research time if you want/can stay.  Ms. Parker will be after school in the library on Tuesday, November 18th for additional research time if you want/can stay.  

Monday, November 10, 2014

el 10 de noviembre

This was our FIRST of four days in the library researching your famous Hispanic person.  You will most likely need to continue your work at home.  Your due date of your visual is the date of your presentation.  Below I've attached the list if you've forgotten when you're going.  PLEASE use your pink calendar from class (or the copy that is attached to the post from 11/6) to keep on top of your deadlines.

Tuesday, November 25th
1   Alok                 Fidel Castro
2   Karolyn              Shakira
3   Carson               Alex Rodriguez   
4   Luke                 David Ortiz
5   Samuel               Roberto Clemente
Monday, December 1st
1   Amanda               Cristina Aguilera
2   Natalia              Selena Gomez
3   Esra                 Pablo Picasso
4   McGovern             Mariano Rivera
5   Kobe                 Diego Maradona
Wednesday, December 3rd 
1   Nevaeh               Selena  
2   Armen                Leonel Messi
3   Krista               Jennifer Lopez
4   James                Albert Pujols
5   Aiden                Radamel Falcao

Thursday, November 6, 2014

el 6 de noviembre

Choose TWO supplementary questions for your person to research.  Please write these two questions in PENCIL on the back of the presentation Rubric for the project.  That way if you change your mind after you begin your research, you'll be able to change them easily. 

Below are various links to the project paperwork.  Please be aware of deadlines and due dates for the pieces of the project.  You may print additional copies from this page of any paper you misplace.

Project Description

Project Calendar

Visual Rubric

Presentation Rubric

Monday, November 3, 2014

el 3 de noviembre

Using the list on this LINK, choose and write down THREE possible people you're interested in researching.  You will get to choose your person, randomly in class on Thursday.