Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Any time from 11/27 to 12/9 or 12/10

Numbers Games & Quizzes for practice: PLAY NOW  Print out the results of any of the three quizzes and you'll receive one bonus point for each one you complete and earn a passing grade on.  There are THREE possible quizzes for you to take. Good luck.  

Study your numbers 0-39!  The assessment for A day classes is Monday, December 9th and for B day classes is Tuesday, December 10th.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

B day 11/26

Write the following words in the vocabulary section of your binder:
one hundred
one hundred one

Use the QUIZLET Link for numbers: Cardinal Numbers 0-101

Write the pattern that you see being used for numbers 31-99.

Monday, November 25, 2013

A day 11/25

Using the worksheet you were given, create, but do NOT answer, 10 Spanish Math problems below using the numbers 0-101.  The challenge is to use as many different numbers as possible, including in the answers, as well as different operations (+  -  x  ÷).  Figure out the answer so that you’ll know how to write it, but do NOT include it on the paper.

Friday, November 22, 2013

B day 11/22

Finish writing numbers up to 39.  Use the following link to access the numbers vocabulary: Cardinal Numbers 0-31

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A day 11/21

Finish writing numbers up to 39.  Use the patterns from your notes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

B day 11/20

The presentations are almost done - three more to go on Friday.  After Friday's class, we will start to study numbers in Spanish.  Students will learn all the way up to 199.  It seems like a lot but it is really a repetitive pattern, just like in English.  If you want to get head on homework you could start writing the numbers from the following link:  Cardinal Numbers 0-31 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A day 11/19

The presentations are completed - the students did a nice job!  We'll be starting the numbers 0-101 and then we'll move on to some basic body parts.  There is NO written homework tonight.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A day 11/13

Complete your Take-Home assessment based on the questions you received after your presentation.  It is due on Friday, November 15th.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A & B days 11/6 & 11/7

As we begin presentations, the only homework that you have is to be ready on your date (see list below) and complete the PINK Take-Home assessment using the audience's questions.  The due date for the take-home assessment is on the top of the paper, but you can hand it in any time before that date.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A & B days

The lists below represent your class presentation days:  BE READY!!!!

Period 1A

Wednesday, November 6th
  1. Taylor F – Oscar de la Renta
  2. Ainsley – José Limón
  3. Matt – Fidel Castro
  4. Tyleana – David Ortiz

Friday, November 8th
  1. Mackenzie – Cristina Aguilera
  2. Alexa – Rafael Nadal
  3. Maddie M. – Shakira
  4. Sophia – Selena Gomez

Wednesday, November 13th
  1. Rachel – Salvador Dalí
  2. Walter – Alex Rodríguez
  3. Tyler – Mariano Rivera
  4. Maddie G. – John Galliano
  5. Anya – Pablo Escobar

Period 3A
Wednesday, November 6th

1.   Jack D. – Pablo Escobar
2.   Thomas – Cristina Aguilera
3.   Zakary – David Ortiz
4.   Lillian – Mariano Rivera

Friday, November 8th

1.   Alexis – Selena
2.   Jennifer – Selana Gomez
3.   Noah – Rafael Nadal
4.   Molly – Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
5.   Hannah – Alex Rodríguez

Wednesday, November 13th 

1.   John – Fidel Castro
2.   Taylor – Jennifer Lopez
3.   Brigid – Oscar de la Renta
4.   Eryanna – Enrique Iglesias

Period 1B
Thursday, November 7th
1.       Jasmine - Selena
2.       Allen – Pablo Escobar
3.       Dustin – Hernán Cortez
4.       Benjamin – Luis Walter Alvarez
5.       Kiana – Selena Gomez
6.       Jordan – José Limón
7.       Audrey – Christina Aguilera
Tuesday, November 12th
1.       Jason – Mariano Rivera
2.       Tim -  Leonel Messi
3.       Zachary H. – Pablo Picasso
4.       Zachary T. – Shakira
5.       Joel – Oscar de la Renta
6.       Nicholas – David Ortiz
Thursday, November 14th
1.       Maia – Francisco de Goya
2.       Lauren – Jennifer Lopez
3.       Zachary C. – Fidel Castro
4.       Maximus – Augusto Pinochet
5.       Francesca – Salma Hayek
6.       Andi – Diego Rivera
Monday, November 18th
1.       Daniela – Cameron Díaz
2.       Kelvin – Alex Rodríguez
3.       Evan – Roberto Clemente
4.       Isabella – Gloria Estefan
5.       Ethan – Enrique Iglesias
6.       Katelyn – Frida Kahlo

B days 11/5

Please be ready for your presentation day!  You must have your visual with you on the day you present.  If you are not ready to present on your day, you will lose 5 points for each class day, on both rubrics, if they visual or presentation is late.

Monday, November 4, 2013

A day 11/4

Please be ready for your presentation day!  You must have your visual with you on the day you present.  If you are not ready to present on your day, you will lose 5 points for each class day, on both rubrics, if they visual or presentation is late.

Friday, November 1, 2013

B day 11/1

Remember I am after school on FRIDAY, November 1st to work on the Famous Hispanic Project.  Stay if you need the extra hour of time to work on your final project and/or research.  Presentations begin on Thursday the 7th!