Thursday, October 31, 2013

A day 10/31

Remember I am after school on FRIDAY, November 1st to work on the Famous Hispanic Project.  Stay if you need the extra hour of time to work on your final project and/or research.  Presentations begin on Wednesday the 6th!

Enjoy Halloween and be safe!  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

B day 10/30

Project research MUST continue at home for your TWO final products.  We have only one more in-class day in the library.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A day 10/29

Project research MUST continue at home for your TWO final products.  We have only one more in-class day in the library.

Monday, October 28, 2013

B day 10/28

We had our first day in the library.  We have two more days of in-school research.  Your homework from now until the presentation dates, November 7th - 18th, is to work on your visual project as well as your presentation of the project.  There is ONE after school extra help day on Friday, November 1st with me before the due dates.  Remember you could earn bonus points with an early turn in of your visual portion of the project.  The bonus turn-in day is Tuesday, November 5th.

Friday, October 25, 2013

A day 10/25

We had our first day in the library.  We have two more days of in-school research.  Your homework from now until the presentation dates, November 6th - 12th,  is to work on your visual project as well as your presentation of the project.  There is ONE after school extra help day on Friday, November 1st with me before the due dates.  Remember you could earn bonus points with an early turn in of your visual portion of the project.  The bonus turn-in day is Monday November 4th.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

B day 10/24

We chose our presentation dates and famous people in class today.  You must now review and select TWO supplementary questions for your biography project off of the yellow list and write them on the back of the blue presentation rubric.  We will be meeting in the library for the next THREE classes.  Don't forget the after school extra help day is Friday, November 1st.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A day 10/23

We chose our presentation dates and famous people in class today.  You must now review and select TWO supplementary questions for your biography project off of the yellow list and write them on the back of the blue presentation rubric.  We will be meeting in the library for the next THREE classes.  Don't forget the after school extra help day is Friday, November 1st.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

B day 10/22

We took our last assessment for the first quarter today - colors and seasons.  Please get any missing  homework in to me by Friday as grades will close on Monday, October 28th.

You are starting the Famous Hispanic Biography project on Wednesday.  Your homework tonight is to select 3-names off of the green list to choose from in class on Thursday, October 24th.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A day 10/21

We took our last assessment for the first quarter today - colors and seasons.  Please get any missing homework in to me by Friday as grades will close on Monday, October 28th.

You are starting the Famous Hispanic Biography project on Wednesday.  Your homework tonight is to select 3-4 names off of the green list to choose from in class on Wednesday, October 23rd.

Friday, October 18, 2013

B day 10/18

Don't forget that there is an assessment on two sets of vocabulary:  Basic Colors  and  Seasons of the Year on TUESDAY, October 22nd.  Use the links to test yourself.  Remember that you will have to spell each word/phrase in Spanish and there is NOT a word bank.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 17th

It is two weeks until the first quarter ends.  You still have time to do missing homework!  Look at your MMS report.  Please remember you have ONE more assessment to help your grade - COLORS AND SEASONS.  A day classes on 10/21 and B day classes on 10/22!  Failure notices will go home tomorrow.  STUDY!

A day 10/17

Even though I was absent today - don't forget that there is an assessment on two sets of vocabulary:  Basic Colors  and  Seasons of the Year on MONDAY, October 21st.    Use these links to test yourself.  Remember that you will have to spell each word/phrase in Spanish and there is NOT a word bank.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

B day 10/16

Write out the English part of the activity below in the homework section of your binder.  What colors come to mind when you think of the following items?  Write the color(s) in Spanish after each item.

1.                a zebra
2.                the sky
3.                the grass
4.                a pumpkin
5.                a cloudy day
6.                a traffic light
7.                coffee
8.                a banana
9.                snow
10.           grape juice
11.           a tire
12.           a strawberry

Complete this for homework.  You will have an assessment on Basic Colors and the Seasons on Tuesday, 10/22 - use Quizlet to start studying.

Friday, October 11, 2013

A day 10/15

Write out the English part of the activity below in the homework section of your binder.  What colors come to mind when you think of the following items?  Write the color(s) in Spanish after each item.

1.                a zebra
2.                the sky
3.                the grass
4.                a pumpkin
5.                a cloudy day
6.                a traffic light
7.                coffee
8.                a banana
9.                snow
10.           grape juice
11.           a tire
12.           a strawberry

Complete this for homework.  You will have an assessment on Basic Colors and the Seasons on Monday, 10/21 - start studying.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

B day 10/7

Finish your colors vocabulary that we started in class today.  Complete the TWO sides of the coloring worksheet.

Friday, October 4, 2013

A day 10/4

You have just received your first assessment back from me.  It includes a letter and signature page about assessment corrections.  It details how to do the corrections and if you have the option of doing them, based on your grades.  These corrections give you an opportunity to earn a better grade.  The corrections and the signed letter must be returned to me no later than Wednesday, October 9th.  If they are NOT completed and returned, then detention will be assigned to you on Friday, October 11th.  In review: GET THEM DONE AND THE PAPER SIGNED.  All of the papers should be in your Spanish folder.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

B day 10/3

You have just received your first assessment back from me.  It includes a letter and signature page about assessment corrections.  It details how to do the corrections and if you have the option of doing them, based on your grades.  These corrections give you an opportunity to earn a better grade.  The corrections and the signed letter must be returned to me no later than Wednesday, October 9th.  If they are NOT completed and returned, then detention will be assigned to you on Friday, October 11th.  In review: GET THEM DONE AND THE PAPER SIGNED.  All of the papers should be in your Spanish folder.

A day 10/2

Finish writing your colors vocabulary in your binder.  Don't forget the format we use for vocabulary.  Complete both sides of the coloring worksheet for Friday.  Sorry I was out.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

B day 10/1

Check MMS for your grades on today's assessment.  Finish decorating your class folder.